Please help us end genocide in 2022.
Your gift will support the work of No Business With Genocide. With your help, we will end corporate complicity with and support for governments that commit genocide, crimes against humanity, and other mass atrocities.
Whether corporations operate in Myanmar or the Uyghur region of China, No Business With Genocide organizes people worldwide to exert their consumer, investor, and social media pressure to stop corporations in supporting genocide and other mass atrocities.
The fiscal agent for No Business With Genocide is the International Campaign for the Rohingya (ICR), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. ICR's EIN is 81-4234076. Your gift is tax-deductible as a charitable contribution.
To make a donation by check, make the check payable to "International Campaign for the Rohingya" and specify that the money is for "No Business With Genocide. Mail the check to:
International Campaign for the Rohingya
PO Box 48698
Washington, DC 20002-0698