$2625.00 Amount Raised
Only $27375.00 more until our goal of $30000.00
Hello Organizational Partners,
Thank you for supporting our Annual Gala! Please use this webpage to make your online payment if you like.
...Or you can mail your check to the following address:
Metro New York Health Care for All, 420 West 45th Street, District Council 37 AFSCME Non-Profit Div., New York, NY 10036
Please be as generous as you can since we had to forego our Annual Dues Campaign this past spring because of the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, and so must now make up for the difference.
As a reminder, here are the support options available for organizations:
- Host Committee: $500 (small groups); $750 (medium groups), $1,500 (large groups)
- Online Journal Announcements: $500 (quarter page), $750 (half page), $1,500 (full-page)
- Ticket Bundles: $700 for 10, $350 for 5.
- Combination Packages of two or more of the above are available upon request.
Thanks again for your support for our important work ahead in 2021. We couldn't do it without you!
See you on Wednesday evening, January 13th from 6 to 7:15 p.m.!