XR Bury St Edmunds

Extinction Rebellion Bury St Edmunds

We aim to:
  • Raise public awareness of the severity of the climate and ecological crisis.
  • Encourage our leaders to take this issue seriously & act upon it, before it is too late.

Find the XR UK 3 Demands here.  

#RebelForLife #MakeEcocideLaw #ClimateJusticeNOW #TellTheTruth #ActNow #BeyondPolitics #ExtinctionRebellion #NoPlanetB #NoGoingBack

We are in the midst of a climate and ecological breakdown. We are facing an uncertain future - our world is in crisis and life itself is under threat. Now is not the time to ignore the issues; now is the time to act as if the truth is real. The science is clear. We are in the midst of a mass extinction of our own making and our governments are not doing enough to protect their citizens, our resources, our biodiversity, our planet, and our future.
This crisis knows no borders, race or ethnicity, and while wealth may offer some protection, it is all but temporary. The clock is ticking, and if we don’t succeed in uniting to protect our planet, everyone will be impacted - you, your family, everyone and everything you hold dear…
…and yet every crisis contains the possibility of transformation.

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/BuryStEdsXR/

Twitter - https://twitter.com/XR_BSE

Email - Burystedsxr@gmail.com

Sign up to our email list here.

Clearly, we’d rather be out on the streets than updating this Action Network page!

For more up to date news, please check out our Twitter or Facebook or drop us an email!

Currently meeting online at 7 pm (most) Tuesdays. Email us for details.

Our Actions

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