Change the Criminal Justice and Law School Curriculum Campaign

Chicago, IL
Dear Friends of Justice, This historical moment presents justice advocates with an opportunity to promote a campaign to change how justice and law are structured, taught, and licensed in universities and colleges across the globe. The changes we seek place an emphasis on distributive and indigenous justice which includes reparations and honoring treaties along with the redistribution of wealth in a time where one of the greatest transfers of wealth just occurred during the present pandemic COVID crisis and long overdue mass uprisings across the globe against police brutality and racism.

While Critical Criminology, Peace Studies, and Justice Studies programs have included the concepts of social and restorative justice in academic discourses there is still a vast lack of emphasis on the importance of indigenous and distributive justice models and the economic aspects of social justice. The redistribution of wealth along with honoring treaties, reparations for genocides and visions to end structural inequalities are key to making the material changes that could change the landscape of political crime and the systematic abuses of the carceral state. Given the justifiable outcry against the criminal systems globally today the time has come for distributive and indigenous models of justice to be developed and promoted within academic criminal justice and law programs along with the restorative and transformative models being included presently.

The dominant theories and ideologies promoted in Criminal Justice programs and Law Schools generally disadvantage students by producing knowledge that reinforces subjugation, exploitation and other social and economic hierarchies. If you are interested in joining a group of educators and activists who would research, draft and publish statements, petitions and provide presentations for this effort please sign on to this campaign and we will contact you to help further develop educational curricula and programs that inspire visions of justice as healing, redistribution, reparation and transformation.

June Terpstra, Ph.D., USA
Suzella Palmer, Ph.D., England
Olivia Martina Dalla Torre, Ph.D., France
Nancy Hammond, Ph.D., USA
Cris Toffolo, PhD, USA
Paula Kaldis, Esq. USA
Jason Garcia, JD, USA

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