CT Immigrants Rights Alliance

The Connecticut Immigrant Rights Alliance (CIRA) was founded in July 2012. We exist to harness the collective power of organizations and individuals working to improve the lives of immigrants and people of color in Connecticut, and utilize this community force to fight systemic injustices. CIRA member organizations engage in various levels of social justice work, CIRA as a coalition focuses primarily on disentangling immigration enforcement from fundamentally flawed state and local criminal justice systems. Working at this intersection, we hope to facilitate regional community organizing and advance policy changes to address the systemic levels of oppression against immigrants and people of color in Connecticut.
Member Organizations: ACLU of CT AFT Connecticut Apostle Immigrant Services Brazilian Immigrant Center Building One Community Comunidad Inmigrante de East Haven Connecticut AFL-CIO Connecticut Bail Fund Connecticut Center for New Economy Connecticut Coalition to Stop Indefinite Detention Connecticut Shoreline Indivisible Connecticut Students for a Dream Connecticut Working Families Organization CRISOL Esperanza Center for Law and Advocacy Families and Friends Against Deportation Hispanic Center of Danbury Immigration Rights Task Force of the Unitarian Society of New Haven Immigration Task Force of New York Annual Conference of United Methodist Church International Institute of Connecticut IRIS - Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services Make the Road Connecticut Manos Unidas New Britain MECha de Yale Ministerio de Hermandad National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC) New Haven Peoples Center Oficina Católica de Justicia Social de La Arquidiócesis de Hartford Planned Parenthood of Southern New England Seminarians for a Democratic Society SEIU-32BJ SEIU-State Council Showing up for Racial Justice-New Haven Unidad Latina en Acción UNITE HERE United Action ConnecticutMember Organizations: ACLU of CT, AFT, Connecticut Apostle Immigrant Services, Brazilian Immigrant Center, Building One Community, Comunidad Inmigrante de East Haven, Connecticut AFL-CIO, Connecticut Bail Fund Connecticut, Center for New Economy, Connecticut Coalition to Stop Indefinite Detention, Connecticut Shoreline Indivisible, Connecticut Students for a Dream, Connecticut Working Families Organization, CRISOL, Esperanza Center for Law and Advocacy, Families and Friends Against Deportation, Hispanic Center of Danbury, Immigration Rights Task Force of the Unitarian Society of New Haven, Immigration Task Force of New York Annual Conference of United Methodist Church, International Institute of Connecticut, IRIS - Integrated Refugee & Immigrant, Services Make the Road Connecticut, Manos Unidas New Britain, MECha de Yale, Ministerio de Hermandad, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC), New Haven Peoples Center, Oficina Católica de Justicia Social de La Arquidiócesis de Hartford, Planned Parenthood of Southern New England, Seminarians for a Democratic Society, SEIU-32BJ SEIU-State Council, Showing up for Racial Justice-New Haven, Unidad Latina en Acción, UNITE HERE, United Action Connecticut