SEND A LETTER to CT Senators: Deliver citizenship NOW!
Democrats in Congress can deliver citizenship for millions of undocumented people NOW!
Althought the Parliamentarian, an advisor to the Senate, recommended citizenship for immigrant youth, TPS holders, farmworkers, and essential workers not be included in the budget reconciliation package. This recommendation is NOT binding. The parliamentarian only gives advice, Democrats are the ones who make the rules. Democratic Senators still have a responsibility and the power to pass citizenship for millions through the budget reconciliation package.
ADD YOUR NAME and demand that CT Senators Blumenthal and Murphy support moving forward a pathway to citizenship for as many people as possible through any means necessary.
Use this tool to send an email to Blumenthal and Murphy and ask that they support a pathway to citizenship in the reconcillation regardless of what the Parlimentarian said, and to only support the reconcilation package IF it includes a pathway to citizenship.
The fact is that Democrats in the Senate can either chose to move forward citizenship to protect the lives of millions of people or leave millions behind who continue to live under the threat of deportation. Every minute that passes without a pathway to citizenship, is another minute our communities are left to the grips of ICE and CBP.
Democrats must pass a pathway to citizenship this year, no excuses. And they must use every tool at their disposal.