Decarcerate Tompkins County

Decarcerate Tompkins County is a group of community members that believe in shrinking incarceration locally. We believe a bigger jail would only expand an unjust mass incarceration system that runs on jailing poor people and people of color. A bigger jail would only deepen social problems that are rooted in poverty and systemic racism. Instead, we believe that the jail population should be reduced through community-based alternatives to incarceration. We seek alternatives to incarceration that:

  • Understand the system of mass incarceration in the United States as disproportionately criminalizing poor people, people of color, immigrants, and the LGBTQ community.  Expanding jails and prisons virtually guarantees that those cages will be filled. We will not stand for an expansion of this system in Tompkins County.

  • Re-imagine our understanding of security to mean safe and affordable housing, a strong public education system, living wage jobs, affordable public transportation, and sustainable relationships with the environment.

  • Are committed to separating the criminal justice system from public health matters. Jails should not be confused with treatment centers. We call for community based addiction recovery and mental health programs. The most effective programs are led by those whose life experience gives them expert knowledge in overcoming addiction and meeting mental health needs.

  • Do not expand surveillance and punitive systems of control. We oppose alternatives that are just forms of incarceration in disguise. We seek to lead the way in eliminating the mass incarceration mindset.

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