FFF and Movement Actions build Social Feedback Loops

Social Feedback Loops Create Pressure on Social System Change before Climate Collapse

Here are some of the Social Feedback Loops identified:

1. Non-Violent Civil Disobedience Empathy

2. Action, Inspiration and Hope

3. Map Count

Phase 1, on or around September 14th, 2018: By scouring the internet for groups with similar messages, using as many hashtags as possible, reaching out to establish contact with each, liking, thanking them and adding them to the data collection.

Each week social media posts with the movement’s statistical tallies, on Monday for the past Friday and on Thursday for the coming Friday.

Phase 2, from October, 2018: A.N. a volunteer from Klimatsverige started to design and develop a weekly Sweden map picture, the Swedes proudly turned out in thousands. (* add picture and name request to Andrea). With a picture speaking a thousand words, the Map Count social feedback loop accelerated, many making contact to ensure their town was on the map. The many late nights after A.N. children were asleep became well invested time.

Phase 3, on or around from February, together with a group of software savvies, Jens and Jan, the three of us designed a map based information page where activists could contact each other, announce upcoming events, and report attendance afterwards. This expanded A.N.'s map to be worldwide, significantly accelerated the manual data collection for weekly tallies of planned and actual strikes, and once again improved Map Count social feedback loop.

(* Klimatsverige IG and FB posts)

4. Map Media

The tremendous growth made the media interested, and once they found the information map on Fridays For Future home page they began using it to contact local “strikers” and write about them. Many keen journalists, wanting to cover climate, talked about the easy way the map enabled them to email strikers from several countries and make a "global" strike article, which was far less likely to be knocked back from the editorial desk. This media interest led people to search for the fridaysforfuture.org web page, where they were able to create a strike on the map within a few minutes and gain easy insight into their own countries’ strikes. This accelerating Map Media social feedback loop fed striker, country and map growth. Media from all over the world began coming to Stockholm to report about the phenomenon and to interview Greta. She has been very busy ever since.

5. Feet on streets Stock Market

Work being published by James Bell.

6. Community Building (Local and Work Group)

After the Map Count out reach process, people are localized and put into contact with others living near by each other. in September, this was done with any tool available. The best tool is always the tool of the user. We learnt to fit technology around people, rather than people into technology. This created small national and local groups.

Simple join processes and being seen around the world were both important.

7. Symbols and Recognition

8. Repression, Justice, Moral Rights

Climate 'Action' is done with the goal of Making your Voice Heard!

This is Public! The goal is to change someone else. And probably change a person in a position, who can make a larger difference than you.

Respect the Need for Anayminity: You may choose to be anaymous, e.g. you choose to put your work our with a false name, for example, due to potential harressment.

After deciding to do activism, which is to ’make your voice heard’ to other people, eg square meetings, you may want to lift the impact of your work.


Fridays For Future Contact Information, References, and Version Information

Contact Information
email: map@fridaysforfuture.org


  • These pages are open and free, printing and sharing of them is uninhibited, with reference to the page and credit to Fridays for future and the authors. Requests to edit, change or correct any contents may be emailed to map@fridaysforfuture.org


This page, Home of FridayforFuture Workgroups, Manuals and Documents

Version Information
Draft: Janine O'Keeffe 2022, September

Fridays for Future is a growing and learning movement, therefore the pages above might still be under development or be proposals or suggestions

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