Fridays for Future Answers to Questions

The FFFAQ workgroup is here to give answers to your questions and to provide resources for activists, media and researchers. Please check out the already answered questions below before you submit a request. You can search the questions and answers by using the search option of your internet browser
Fridays for Future is a decentralised grassroots movement, if you have any questions related to a local chapter, please try sending them an email, you might be able to find them on the map. If you can't find your local chapter send us an e-mail at and we'll try to find their email address for you.
If your answer is not in the already answered questions below you can use this form to ask a new question. We try our best to answer your question / request as soon as possible
What is Fridays For Future?
Fridays for Future is a people’s movement following the call from Greta Thunberg to climate strike. Greta’s call on the 8th of September 2018 for striking every Friday said: “Everyone is welcome. Everyone is needed.” Fridays for Future is independent. We are not affiliated to, nor funded by, any commercial enterprise or political party and it is vital that we remain independent of such interests in order to be independent and to be seen to be independent. Fridays for Future has no paid staff, unpaid volunteers do all the work. We are a movement of many people standing and expect politicians to do their job, which is to create a safe climate pathway under 1.5°C of global warming relative to 1850 temperatures based on the best available science. Fridays for Future is not run by or backed by any NGO. Fridays for Future is not an organisation. Fridays for Future values diversity, it is key to building options and nobody knows everything. There is no hierarchy. No single person has the overall right to decide. When you are uncertain, and don’t feel like deciding, look at earlier answers and ask around.
The FFFAQ workgroup is a part of the Fridays for Future international workgroups
Action network
How is action network used? |
Each Fridays for Future group can have it's own Action network page to create petitions, events and send emails from. |
Interviewing climate activists / inviting a speaker |
There are many impressive and engaged climate strikers. The fastest way to get in touch is to select a country or countries on the map and email directly, or go to the map and click on the pin for a strike to find contact details for organizers. If you are looking for several climate activists, please consider including different parts of the world. There are climate activists on all continents and in almost every country on the planet. If the country you are looking for is not on the list, please email us at and we will try our best to help. |
Interviewing Greta Thunberg / asking to speak to her / asking for a message |
Greta is able to participate in a fraction of the invitations that are sent to her, so please also consider inviting another climate activist. There are engaged and committed climate strikers in almost every country in the world, check the map for contact details. If you wish to contact Greta Thunberg email to |
How long does it take for me to recieve a reply from Fridays for Future? |
We try to reply to your request as soon as possible, please understand that we're a group of volunteers trying our very best. During holiday seasons and global strikes it may take longer to reply. |
How do I find climate strikes near me? |
Check the map, there a toolbox on the top left where you can select your country, click on a pin to see the time and place |
How many strikers will there be / were there? |
Figures are available from the map in a list, this list can be filtered. |
When does the map update? |
The map is updated a few times a day. From midnight CET/CEST. It may take a few days for new strikes to appear on the map and for changes in map data to appear. If you wish to change the data for your strike, the easiest way is to register again, using as similar data as previously, and it should overwrite. Should that not work, please email |
How to get on the map? |
For your first action, register here:, all further reporting can be done on the map. Any questions, tips or want to help with the map, send a DM or email to |
What is a URL? |
A URL is a link to your work, this could be your tweet, facebook or instagram post. Or any other website or post |
How do I report via GameChanger? |
Follow the steps in the map-count reporting manual |
How many days until an action date becomes history? |
An action date becomes historic after 6 days. |
How many weeks till a weekly action become historic |
A weekly action must be re-registed every 6 months to remain valid. You can check the manual to find out how to register |
Do you have any statistics on map reporting I can use? |
Yes we have spreadsheets with action statistcs from all over the world. The spreadsheets can be found on the map team workgroup page. |
Does Fridays for Future have a solution to the climate crisis |
We profoundly appreciate all efforts to find solutions to the climate crisis. Fridays for Future does not have the capacity or the competence to evaluate solutions. If you have a solution, we therefore urge you to send your contribution to those who do, so that it can be put to use. |
Can Fridays for Future remove comments in social media containing religious texts? |
Fridays for Future is built on local autonomy, each local group can decide for themselves. As a guideline FFF can remove any comments on a social media post that's not in line with the science as presented by the IPCC. Or posts that discourage people from activism or taking action. |
How to work well in Fridays For Future? |
You are not alone. Getting to know other strikers is important to develop trust and understanding and for mutual support. Try to work in groups of three, preferably of different ages and backgrounds. Being a longterm or frequent striker is important for several reasons: 1. Striking together builds trust among strikers. 2. Regular strikers get used to the process of putting demands on politicians. |
Who made the original Fridays for future logo?, Can we use it for our strike? |
The original logo was made by Sophie Ginst from Germany. Yes, the Fridays for Future logo can be used for your strike |
How does Fridays for Future see inclusion? |
Diversity is key to building options, being experimental and accelerating learning. Local Autonomy is key for long term activism. When two groups see different options it is important to try out both as much as possible. Climate activism is currently on reaching a few percent, and with diversity in society there is a good chance both could be successful with different parts of our society or different cultures. Both options could work and probably merge later on into even greater possibilities. As an activist it may be wise for you to only choose one to work with to reduce your burn out. |
Where can I find resources for the global strike on September 24th? |
You can find the resources via the global strike page, scroll down to the Take Action section and press Download Sharepics |
Where can I find a Fridays for Future logo for my town? |
You can find a logo generator on the toolpic generator, and you can find more resources here. |
Social media
How do you recomment to chat in private chats using an FFF account? |
Fridays for Future recommends in chats you say who is running the account, each time you leave a message, especially in the case where there are several people sharing the account. |
Where will the strikes be tomorrow? |
Go to the map, click on the pin near you to find time and place for the strike, and, if they have indicated a contact, contact details for the organizer of that strike. |
I can’t strike |
Many people do not think they can strike, for instance because they are worried about their school grades or because it is not safe to strike publicly in their country. Belgian schools used clocks which then 'struck' and then took a picture and this was their method to strike. Other groups have other ways to find a way to strike, even churches use their bells to strike! Striking indoors, with a sign which you post on social media with a hashtag counts too. Some have chosen to show support by cleaning beaches or tidying rubbish. In the US now, some students are striking in school by not speaking (and perhaps wearing a mask). Every strike counts. All support is welcome. |
Do we go to school that day and walk out or just skip school that day? |
It is up to you. Just make sure the people who are striking with you know the time and place, and talk to teachers ahead of time, asking them if possible to support you. |
Is there a limit to how many people can be there? |
It depends on what your local rules permit. If you need permission from the police or some similar organisation, check with them if there is a limit on how many you can be. |
Can we put up posters in schools to help get people to come? |
Good idea! It is usually best to get permission from the school to do that. |
How else can we get more people to come? |
Perhaps you could tell the local newspaper that you will be striking. They may report and this could bring more people the following week. |
Where to strike? |
Greta requests that people strike in front of their closest town hall, every Friday. With a sign, take a picture and post it with these hashtags #Fridaysforfuture #Climatestrike. |
For how long do I strike? |
Please do what works for you. It is up to you and what you can achieve. No stress is best and more sustainable for weekly strikes. |
Do I need to strike in front of my parliament like Greta? |
No, please do what works for you. Many weekly strikes are held as close to the striker as possible, preferably in front of a publicly owned building. Ideally these strikes are held at the same place and same time each week, to make it easier for others to join. |
How do I strike? |
Keep it simple for you, so it is sustainable and fun! |
Can I join Fridays for Future? |
Fridays for Future is open to everybody who cares about the climate. As Greta says, “Everyone is welcome. Everyone is needed.” The more people we are, the more chance we have in getting politicians and other decision makers to act. |