Frack Off Greater Chaco

Farmington, NM

The Greater Chaco Region is a checkerboarded area of Tribal, state, federal, and allotment land. The Bureau of Land Management has approved more than 400 new fracking wells without adequate Tribal consultation or protections for community health, water and climate impacts. Fracking development threatens ancient Chaco culture and sacred sites and also Navajo people and living communities in the area who have been dealing with the impacts of resource extraction for decades.

What is the "Frack Off Greater Chaco" Campaign?

#FrackOffChaco is a solidarity action campaign to stop fracking in Greater Chaco during the 60-day public scoping period ending on Dec, 20th, 2016.

The Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Farmington Field Office and the Bureau of Indian Affairs’ (BIA) Navajo Regional Office is undergoing an amendment to BLM's 2003 Resource Management Plan (RMP) to analyze fracking impacts in the Greater Chaco area. (The process is reopened for official public comment until December 20, 2016.)

91% of our public lands in Northwest New Mexico are already leased to oil and gas development, with over 40,000 wells. Now, new forms of industrialized fracking development threatens to further fragment the landscape and pollute our air and water resources, endangering the environment and local Navajo communities. Much of the last 9% of unleased land is in Greater Chaco. The BLM admits to never analyzing the impacts of fracking across this landscape and is actively amending its office-wide resource management plan in response. Yet, BLM continues leasing public land and approving fracking in the region with more than 365 new wells and counting on tribal and public lands, as well as new pipelines and other infrastructure.

The Frack Off Greater Chaco Coalition

Frack Off Greater Chaco is a collaborative effort between Indigenous community leaders, Native groups, nonprofits, and public lands and water protectors across the southwest and the country working to stop fracking in Greater Chaco.

We're calling on supporters to target New Mexico Congressional district offices (especially Senator Udall), BLM field offices, and demonstrate or pray for all that is worth protecting. Meet with officials, send letters, take pictures, rally, and interrupt. Any action is a great action! Please host or attend an event so we can showcase broad support to Frack Off Greater Chaco.

Fracking Leases Near Ancient & Tribal Sites

The Greater Chaco Region is a checkerboarded area of Tribal, state, federal, and allotment land. The Bureau of Land Management has already leased 91% of federal minerals in the area and has approved more than 365 new fracking wells without adequate Tribal consultation or protections for community health, water and climate impacts. Fracking development threatens ancient Chaco culture and sacred sites and also Navajo people and living communities in the area who have been dealing with the impacts of resource extraction for decades.



We're calling on supporters to target New Mexico Congressional district offices (especially Senator Udall), BLM field offices. Meet with officials, send letters, or make phone calls. HERE is a list of officials, (elected, Bureau of Land Management and Bureau of Indian Affairs) that can be contacted.



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