Friday for Future twitter creation and sharing

'Everybody is welcome! Everybody is needed!'
Fridays for Future is a movement.
Anyone who strikes regularly is welcome to create a Friday for Future social media account.
And all who strike with Fridays for Future shall be given the ability to have their work shared on these accounts. It shall be the responsibility of the bigger accounts to lift smaller accounts. A movement is limited by its sharing and its ability to lift as many voices as possible.
Method to ensure your work is shared:
1. Tag the account you would appreciate a like, quote tweet or retweet from.
2. Ask to be added to the twitter account via tweetdeck, first as a moderator. Later as an admin.
3. Ask to contribute to the twitter pipeline.
Growing Twitter
1. Use pictures with a tweet
2. Use short videos
3. Rule: follow less than you have followers. The algorithm gives higher priority to those who have less followers.
4. Quote tweets rather and retweets.
5. Use rant threads to improve following.
6. Tags are a solidarity process: Use tagging and request that others tag you. The time spent on quote tweeting a direct message (DM) tweet is not worth it. Ask people to stop DMs and tag instead. You soon only have space to tag those who quote tweet and retweet. This is a solidarity process.
7. Tweet around (2-8) times per day. If you do not have time, tweetdeck your account to trusted people and guide them into your style of tweets. e.g. system change for climate. During holidays and low periods it is useful to keep a low level of tweets from others via tweetdeck rather than turn off completely.
8. Gratitude is Public and criticism is private. If you can think of nothing else reply with Gratitude, which grows solidarity.
Methods to ensure Fridays for Future brand accounts are keep safe:
1. Request to have an email from your country's web page for the brand account.
2. Apply for verification once past 1-2,000 followers.
3. Encourage all to join in via Tweetdeck.
4. Use a twitter pipeline to enable non twitter people to join.
5. Create an instagram account to synchronize easy tweeting.
6. To refuse to use tweetdeck can have several valid reasons, e.g. we are all living near our limits. And can have non valid reasons, e.g. to not attend a training meeting and think you should get the password sounds unreasonable.
7. Even if the risk of theft is very low, by handing out the password, you are reducing the development of a twitter cooperation via tweetdeck.
8. A person only using the password and not using tweetdeck is very likely to refrain from encouraging others from using tweetdeck, and this is a poor step. Brand accounts fly best with many twitter contributors.
9. People can share many accounts which can give lots of people the opportunity to bounce things between each other. Political, non political and private accounts.
10. Tweetdeck cooperation can often develop into a from of deep solidarity, where all accounts win.
11. Centralization of media processes, including social media, accounts normally reduces sharing of material.
12. Centralization of social media accounts increases the risk of theft and silent removal of a person. Silent removal of a person is both theft and a form of group bullying. If not rectified it is also a form of exclusion and eventually isolation.
13. To reduce the risk of theft one person shall be the 'administrator' of the account.
14. To reduce the risk of bulk theft no single person shall have access to more than one password.
15. Sharing each social media over different people increases the amount of people with power, and adds more decision makers and contact within the movement. This can cost more effort and time in coordination and a common social media pipeline can reduce the effort and time.
If you are maneuvered, possibly bullied, e.g. you are told you are not sharing, into giving up the password:
1. Put the process you are going through down in a dispute transformation factual recitation.
2. Please send this to
3. All decision making shall be documented.
4. Try to ensure that not more than 2 have the password as three or more means the number is likely to spread quickly and the risk of theft increases a lot.
5. Also, have a person appointed who is responsible for security. They shall describe a process and follow through. If an account is shared with more than two then the change password process needs to be more regular.
Below a list of accounts and volunteers through which you can reach us, want to be a volunteer on the list? Contact
To join support chats please contact someone from that social media platform. Map support groups may be split into country groups depending on maximum chat size for a social media platform.
You can also join the Slack channel for counting support, reporting issues with the map and count website or to help progress the map and count work. To join the Slack channel please sign the Vision (Code of Conduct) and GDPR (Declaration of Understanding) forms. After the form is signed someone will contact you with the Slack channel details in max. 2 days, if this doesn't happen please contact
Home of FridayforFuture Workgroups, Manuals and Documents
FFF SS: Draft Concept Twitter Pipeline