Hands Off Healthcare NJ

Newark, NJ

Hands Off Healthcare New Jersey is a public affairs campaign sponsored by a diverse coalition of organizations and leaders working to protect the essential health reserve funds at Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield, the state's largest health insurer. Governor Chris Christie and Trenton politicians have announced a plan to raid $300 million from Horizon's reserve funds and put it into the state budget. This plan would be a disaster for the millions of state residents who are Horizon customers, leading to premium increases of approximately $2,000 for an average family.

The health reserve cash grab plan has received widespread criticism from all corners of the political and governmental spectrum -- from business groups like the New Jersey State Chamber of Commerce, New Jersey Business and Industry Association and Newark Regional Business Partnership, to progressive organizations like the Working Families Alliance and New Jersey Policy Perspective, to media outlets like the Star-Ledger, the Record and the Philadelphia Inquirer, to addiction and mental health advocates like Integrity House and The Arc of New Jersey.

All of these leading voices and many others are joining together to say that the cash grab plan is wrong for our state, and Hands Off Healthcare New Jersey is here to spread that message and make sure residents, elected officials and other stakeholders understand the troubling implications of the plan.

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