Rising Organizers

Washington, DC

Rising Organizers was created in 2016 to train new and emerging activists who wanted to build grassroots power. Since our founding in 2016, we have trained nearly 2,000 activists and completed four intensive organizing fellowships. Rising Organizers Action, our c4 arm, was founded in 2019 to fully address the needs of the progressive community organizing around electoral work.

The shock of Election Day 2016 galvanized common citizens to get involved as never before. Many were young people and first-time political actors without experience—a valuable resource for sustained civic action—but an asset that needs cultivation. However, the infrastructure for training, supporting, and channeling these energies is weak and spotty. This is the core need Rising Organizers is designed to address. Through our trainings and mentorship programs, we have demonstrable success in training new leaders and inspiring activists to join the fight for our shared future.

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