Long COVID Justice / S4HI

two white outlined overlapping ovals on a yellow background with the flat part facing up and the words "long covid justice" in bold and all caps above them

Long COVID Justice is strengthening networks of people with Long COVID and associated diseases, and building collective efforts and campaigns for research, healthcare, the caring economy, and racial, social, economic and disability justice.

Our work is done by and for chronically ill and disabled people, our families and communities. Sign up here for easy access to resources and to take action.

Our work spans patient-led support groups and information sharing, groundbreaking research, grassroots community organizing and mobilization, communications, and policy analysis and advocacy for local, state, federal and international policies on the ongoing COVID-19/Long COVID and associated diseases pandemic.

Together, we bring the passions and skills of health equity and racial, gender and disability justice movements to the challenges we face, and to the opportunities we seize.

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Long COVID Justice is managed by Strategies for High Impact (S4HI). S4HI shifts narratives through strategic communications and content creation, and develops powerful and equitable projects, campaigns, groups and coalitions through strategic planning and resource mobilization.

Strategies for High Impact (S4HI) is building the power of chronically-ill and disabled people, our groups and networks. We are a hub for activists, organizers, educators, strategists and communicators across disability justice, health equity and complex chronic illness. We bring vital perspectives and community power to policy, research, and action. S4HI is fiscally sponsored by Allied Media Projects.

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Learn more about us at s4hi.org and longcovidjustice.org.

Our Actions

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