UFCW International Union (Retired Group)

The United Food and Commercial Workers International Union is founded on workers empowering workers to unite and find their voice. We are made up of more than 1.3 million people working primarily in grocery and retail stores, and in the food processing and meat packing industries.

UFCW members work in all 50 states, and in Canada, and belong to more than 400 local unions. We’re also the union with the largest percentage of members under the age of 35 and are made up of both full and part-time workers.

If you shop in a grocery store, chances are you’ve been helped by a UFCW member or purchased products made in one of the plants we work in.

UFCW members are:

  • ADVOCATES for grocery, retail, meat packing, and food processing workers;
    Together in our union, UFCW members work to improve wages, benefits, and conditions on the job. We negotiate with our employers to make sure they compensate workers with kind of pay and benefits that allow us the dignity of a fair paycheck and the ability to support ourselves.
    We advocate for laws and policies that bring up the economic standards in our communities, and we work to elect candidates who really go to bat for working people. We organize, inspire, and mobilize our co-workers, neighbors, and communities and bring people into our nationwide movement for social and economic justice.
  • A COLLECTIVE VOICE for working people and the middle class;
    We join together in our union because we know the fate of the American worker can’t be left entirely in the hands of the wealthiest one percent. After all, no one knows the issues that impact working America better than the workers themselves.
  • A UNION of worker-activists fighting for social and economic justice, and the American Dream
    We know and understand what workers face on the job. Workers need career jobs with affordable health care; decent, middle-class wages; and safe working environments. We work to improve the opportunities for families. We work to improve jobs so we can turn our dreams into reality and raise the standards for everyone.

Our Actions

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