Pennsylvania needs Syringe Services Programs!

Dear Harm Reduction Supporter,

Great news! The House Judiciary Committee will vote on HB1245, the syringe services program bill on February 14th. This is a historic vote because it is the first time the Pennsylvania Legislature has taken a vote on syringe services program legislation!  

We need your help to make sure that the committee members vote yes and move this life-saving legislation to the full House for a vote. Take action here to make your voice heard!  

Pennsylvania has one of the highest rates of overdose in the nation, yet we are one of only about 10 states that do not allow statewide syringe service programs. Pennsylvania families and communities are being devastated by the loss of loved ones to preventable overdoses. Approximately 14 people a day die from overdose in our state and overdose is the leading cause of accidental death in Pennsylvania. Syringe services programs are critically important tools in the fight to reduce overdose deaths and prevent the spread of injection-related diseases like HIV and hepatitis C.  

Last year, we made progress when Pennsylvania legalized fentanyl testing strips and other drug-checking products. Now our state must take the next life-saving step and legalize syringe service programs statewide!

Let the members of the House Judiciary Committee know that you support HB1245 and that they should vote yes!    

On behalf of the Pennsylvania Harm Reduction Network, thank you for all you do!

In Solidarity,