Save the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve and protect Rouge National Urban Park!

The Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve (DRAP) in Pickering, is an integral part of Ontario’s Greenbelt. The DRAP, adjacent to the Rouge National Urban Park, protects precious prime agricultural lands and provides essential habitat for several species also found in Rouge Park, some already endangered. In addition, DRAP provides valuable and increasingly vital ecosystem services for neighbouring communities.
This past May, Durham Region expanded its urban boundary by 9,071 acres which can accommodate enough growth out to 2051 without building housing on the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve (DRAP).
We ask ALL Ontarians, especially Durham Region residents, to sign this action letter and help protect the DRAP and Rouge National Urban Park.
#SaveTheDRAP #SaveRNUP
Video - Former Conservative MP Pauline Browes Speaks about the Duffins Rouge Agriculture Preserve
Op-Ed - Ottawa has an obligation to protect the Greenbelt, Toronto Star, David Crombie
Map - Ontario has designated more than enough land to build new homes without touching the Greenbelt
Report - Report of the Ontario Housing Affordability Task Force
Report - Species at risk in Duffins Rouge Ag Preserve
Council Motion - City of Toronto - "On March 29, Toronto City Council passed a motion saying the province’s move to allow housing on the DRAP lands threaten to destroy the natural and agricultural heritage system that governments have protected over the last 50 years."
Letter - Toronto and Region Conservation Authority responds to planned repeal of the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve Act, November 16, 2022
Letter - Parks Canada Letter to Government of Ontario, November 29, 2022
Submission - To Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy Re: Bill 39: Better Municipal Governance Act by Green Durham Association
2005 Media Article - Province acts to protect farmland, Toronto Star, November 1, 2005
Pickering lobbying the Province - Former Pickering Mayor, Dave Ryan's letters to Queen's Park - 2019 and 2022
Pickering lobbying the Province -Current Pickering Mayor, Kevin Ashe's letter to Queen's Park - 2022