Act Now for Justice: Make Disability Hate Crime Laws Fair and Clear!
Act Now for Justice: Make Disability Hate Crime Laws Fair and Clear!
The laws on disability hate crimes are not clear to the public, victims, or people in authority.
For many of us as Disabled people, being seen as vulnerable can change how crimes are treated. Disabled people are often the subject of referrals for social care rather than support to report hate crimes. Many disability hate crimes are mistakenly assigned as anti-social behaviour incidents or neighbour disputes. This means Disabled people cannot get the justice they deserve.
We want to hold the UK Government to its 2021 pledge to make disability and trans hate crimes aggravated and incitement offences so hate crimes are treated in the same way, regardless of your identity. This is only the first step for better protection for victims of disability hate crime, but one that needs urgent action so we can continue campaigning for an intersectional hate crime to be recognised and a new Hate Crime Act.
Here’s what you can do:
We’ve made it incredibly simple for you to take action! We've prepared a letter with all the critical details needed to urge your MP to help make Disability Hate Crime Laws fairer and more transparent.
Your voice can make a difference; sharing this vital message only takes two minutes. Will you take that small step today and send the letter to your MP? Together, we can create a more just and equal society.
To take action, please enter your details and press the start writing button!