Ask Your Legislators to Support Bills to Reduce Food Insecurity and Poverty

Please contact your State Senator, and State Representative and ask them to co-sponsor legislation to close the SNAP Gap and Family Income Gap

During the COVID-19 crisis, the rate of food insecurity increased drastically in Massachusetts, reaching 30% for adults, and 42% for families with children. In response to the widespread need, the federal government made substantial investments to boost SNAP benefits for low-income families. However, over 700,000 eligible Massachusetts households have not accessed these funds.

Safety-net programs in Massachusetts, including SNAP, cash assistance (TAFDC), and MassHealth, require similar information and documentation, yet have separate application processes. This not only creates more work for the state, but also creates an unnecessary obstacle for people to access the resources they need, and widens the gap of people who need assistance, but are not enrolled in these programs.

The SNAP Gap refers to the over 700,000 households that receive MassHealth and are eligible for nutrition assistance but are not enrolled in SNAP.

The Family Income Gap refers to the over 27,000 families that receive SNAP, have no income, and are eligible for cash assistance (TAFDC), but are not enrolled in the program.

Bills S.761 and H.1290, would improve families’ access to critical food and cash assistance by updating state processes and streamlining applications for benefits.

Your urgent action is needed to build support for these bills before the July 20 hearing!

Letter Campaign by
Rosie's Place
Boston, Massachusetts
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