#CloseFatahFB - Demand that Facebook Shut Down the Fatah-Facebook Terror Promotion Partnership.

We urgently need your help in the fight against terrorism. Fatah is using Facebook to incite and glorify hatred and violence, and Facebook is doing nothing to stop it. Please join us in our campaign to get Facebook to shut down Fatah’s Facebook page. Send a pre-written letter now to Brian Fishman, director of Facebook's global counterterrorism team, to stop the proliferation of terrorism on the platform!
You can read PMW’s Report on Fatah’s abuse of Facebook here.
This campaign is not about punishing Fatah but is about saving lives. Social media today is a powerful tool used by terror organisations, and Facebook is the most significant tool being used by Fatah to promote terrorism and turn terrorists and murderers into role models.
Facebook’s indifference to Fatah’s terror mission cannot go on. The more people that join this call to action, the more pressure Facebook will feel to shut down Fatah’s Facebook page. We can make this happen by working together.