Email Qld Environment Minister Leanne Linard
Wangan and Jagalingou Nagana Yarrbayn Cultural Custodians have launched legal action against the Queensland Government to prevent the destruction of the sacred Doongmabulla Springs at the hands of Adani’s Carmichael coal mine.
Compelling evidence from scientists put to the Government has identified contamination in the Springs and excessive drawdown in the underground water in breach of the mine’s Environmental Conditions.
The Queensland Government is failing to act, so the W&J cultural custodians are taking them to the Supreme Court to hold the Government accountable and impel them to act.
Email Leanne Linard (Minister for the Environment and Great Barrier Reef) NOW and urge her to meet with the cultural custodians as they requested and prosecute Adani in the Court to prevent the destruction of the springs. The government needs to take action to protect the water and uphold First Nation cultural rights.
In Adrian Burragubba, Senior Nagana Yarrbayn Senior Cultural Custodian’s words:
“Water is Life. We must protect the Water.”