Expanded And Improved Medicare For All

We The People Need Expanded and Improved Medicare For All

Tell Congress: The USA desperately needs
Expanded and Improved Medicare for All (MFA)

Health care is a basic human right. No one should suffer or die due to lack of care

Senator Bernie Sanders and Representative Pramila Jayapal are preparing to reintroduce their Expanded and Improved Medicare of All legislation. They need as many cosponsors as possible to show how popular and important this legislation is.

Please join with our coalition urging our Senators and Representatives to cosponsor Expanded and Improved Medicare of All. Here are many of the countless reasons we need a national health care plan that will guarantee all medically necessary care to all of us—including mental, dental, and long term care, as well as all medication, medical devices and equipment. This, whether we live in the inner city, suburbs, or rural America.

  • Our current system costs roughly twice as much per capita as any other industrialized country in the world, yet still leaves tens of millions uninsured and several millions more underinsured.
  • These failures cause 10,000s of preventable deaths every year, as well as economic hardships including medical bankruptcies.
  • Expanded and Improved Medicare for All (MFA) would guarantee  all necessary health care for all people residing in the United States, free at the point of service, while empowering all patients to choose their health care professionals.
  • MFA would save $billions each year, freeing businesses, taxpayers, patients, the federal, state, and local governments to address emergencies and other needs, by lowering health care costs.
  • There is no moral, economic, or public health rationale for maintaining and subsidizing for-profit insurance companies. They impose burdensome demands on health professionals, forcing them to waste time and money complying with red tape.
  • Medicare for All would free doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and others to provide care by eliminating unnecessary delays and complications, while delivering high quality healthcare for all.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic further exposed the deadly flaws in our broken mainly privatized system.
  • We cannot continue to endure unacceptably poor health outcomes including unnecessary costs and delays, as well as rampant waste, fraud, abuse, and—worst of all—denial of life-saving care.
  • These negative effects disproportionately harm the most vulnerable among us including women, rural and urban communities, People of Color, as well as poor and working families.
  • Tragically, we’ve been regressing on health care. With Republicans intent on gutting public health programs and people currently losing Medicaid protections.
  • Profiteering is causing hospital closures and loss of medical care providers in entire regions, creating “health care deserts.” These trends imperil tens of millions of people.
  • We need our elected officials to show their strong support for Expanded and Improved Medicare for All now more than ever.