Urge your Lawmakers to Protect the U.S. Constitution by Opposing an Article V Constitutional Convention
About an Article V Constitutional Convention
Out-of-state special interest groups have spent years working to persuade the Idaho Legislature to consider their dangerous and misguided efforts to alter the U.S. Constitution by calling for an Article V Constitutional convention, and this year 3 dangerous bills have been introduced. Many leading conservative groups, economists, lawmakers, and policy experts oppose a Constitutional convention because a convention risks unraveling the fundamental rights and freedoms given to us by the nation’s founders.
Article V of the U.S. Constitution
In the Constitution, Article V provides for a Constitutional amendment in two ways:
The first method: Congress proposes amendments to the states for ratification. The country has successfully used this method to amend the Constitution 27 times. These amendments include the abolishment of slavery and the right to vote regardless of race or sex.
The second method: States pass legislation directing Congress to call a Constitutional convention, which opens the Constitution to change. Congress is required to call a convention if at least two-thirds (34) of the states request one.
The Dangers of Convening a Convention are Real
Supporters of a Constitutional convention say a convention is needed in order to advance any number of political goals. Regardless of the reason, Article V provides no instructions and no precedent exists for how the convention would operate. The Constitution itself provides no basis for limiting a convention to specific issues - meaning there are no limits on how the Constitution could be changed. Fundamental documents like the Bill of Rights could be rewritten or revoked. Even the process for ratification of amendments could be altered, shutting small states like Idaho out of the discussion.
Ultimately, the risk of unintended consequences is too high.
Idaho is a Target
Proponents from outside of Idaho claim that 28 states have “live” resolutions invoking Article V of the Constitution to convene a convention. Just six more are needed. Idaho has been publicly identified as a target during the 2020 Legislative Session, and Idaho lawmakers are under intense pressure from powerful outside lobbying groups to pass a resolution calling for a Constitutional convention.
Read more about why an Article V Convention is risky and take action now by contacting your state legislators.
Idaho Citizens Can Help Defend the Constitution
A Convention poses a dangerous threat to our democracy, and Idahoans are in a position to play a pivotal role in protecting the future of our nation. By continuing to reject all Article V resolutions, our state prevents the United States from becoming one state closer to convening a convention.