It's Time to Raise the Minimum Wage Again

Time for $20

From 2013 to 2018, Raise Up Massachusetts, a coalition of faith, labor, and community groups, worked to bring the statewide minimum wage closer to a living wage, and given the stagnation of the federal minimum wage, our $15 is something to be proud of. But it's still not a living wage.

And given the rising costs of health care, housing, child care, and basic goods, it doesn't stretch as far as it did in June of 2018.

That's why it's time to raise the minimum wage again.

New legislation, filed earlier this year by Sen. Jason Lewis and Reps. Tram Nguyen and Dan Donahue would raise the minimum wage to $20 and index it to inflation so that it doesn't lose value over time. And it would include municipal employees, who were left out of the last minimum wage increase.

Can you urge the Joint Committee on Labor & Workforce Development to advance these bills?

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