Plutonium is Forever: Close Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge!

The US Fish and Wildlife Service has opened the Rocky Flats Wildlife Refuge for public recreation. It is an urgent matter of public health to close Rocky Flats!

No matter where you are, you can take action to keep living beings safe from contamination by writing a letter to DOE Legacy Management and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service demanding that they close Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge interest of public health.

The Rocky Flats Wildlife Refuge is a former nuclear weapons production facility that created 70,000 plutonium puts. The facility was raided and shut down by the FBI in 1989 after many incidents that contaminated the local environment, including major fires in 1957 and 1969, 5,000 barrels of plutonium laden waste stored outdoors at the 903 area, and routine operations that released plutonium into the environment. Plutonium still contaminates the land and NO AMOUNT OF PLUTONIUM IS SAFE FOR LIVING BEINGS.

The construction and use of the proposed hiking and biking trails on Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge will disturb the soil, causing plutonium and other radioactive materials to be released into the air, endangering the health, safety and well-being of surrounding communities. There has not been adequate studies of the land and the proposed signage for the site does not disclose the history and current state of the land. We need to set a precedent to every Superfund site that development on former nuclear sites is not acceptable!

Seven school districts have banned field trips to the refuge, protecting nearly 300,000 children from plutonium contamination.

For more information on the proposed Wildlife Refuge, the current lawsuit against USFWS, the history of the site, and the threat to public health, click here.

Chief of National Wildlife Refuge System, Cynthia Martinez and Office of Legacy Management Director, Carmelo Melendez can reverse the opening of Rocky Flats. The burden of harm outweighs any potential benefits from opening this site to public recreation and we must hold our government officials accountable.

This campaign is sponsored by:

Eco-Dharma Sangha

Rocky Flats Right to Know

Rocky Flats Glows

Candelas Glows

Rocky Flats Downwinders

Rocky Flats Technical Group

Environmental Information Network

Kristen Iversen, Full Body Burden

Beyond Nuclear

Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

Letter Campaign by
Chris Allred
Longmont, Colorado