Please email Senators to Support HB494 - House says Coakley Dump is an Imminent Threat!
The House sent a clear message that the Coakley Superfund dump is an imminent threat and needs to be addressed with a vote of 230-98 to move on to the Senate. Here's an editorial written by the Seacoast papers editorial board. The dump has been a stewing mess that has been spewing toxins into groundwater, private drinking water and surface water for decades without being fixed. EPA and NHDES has failed to address this situation and recently two private water systems have been shut down because the mess isn't contained.
HB494 compels NHDES to take action, that they are able to take, to compel action to protect our drinking water in Portsmouth, New Castle, Rye, Greenland, North Hampton and Hampton. Here's a link to a story that was selected by Medium for National promotion that provides additional background.
Two private water sources have already been affected by high levels of 1,4-dioxane and Coakley Landfill Group had to install filters. NHDES said it's Coakley Landfill Group's problem. Other toxins, perfluorinated chemicals "PFAS" have also been found on neighboring properties as reported by USEPA.
We want action!
Please email your Senators and tell them we want NHDES to protect the Seacoast drinking water.