Sign and send a message to your U.S. Senators: Donald Trump broke the law when he fired 18 inspectors general without giving Congress 30 days notice. Take action in response.
In a blatant violation of the law--specifically, of the Inspector General Act of 1978–on January 24 Donald Trump fired 18 inspectors general without giving Congress the 30-day notice of such firings required. From Government Executive:
Further, even while he was trying to defend Trump's actions on Meet the Press, Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham admitted that "'technically, yeah,' Trump had violated the Inspector General Act."
Only eight days before Trump's actions, Sen. Joni Ernst, a Republican from Iowa, launched the bipartisan Inspector General Caucus. One would certainly hope that Sen. Ernst would do something about this.
Donald Trump has violated the law and the rights of Congress, even according to Republicans in Congress. Members of Congress need to do something about this, and not just let Trump lawlessly run roughshod over our system of checks and balances.
Please, us this form to sign and send a short letter to your U.S. Senators: Donald Trump has violated the Inspector General Act. Take action in response.
Under federal law, Congress is supposed to receive a 30-day notice before an IG is dismissed. But Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, said that did not happen. “There may be good reason the IGs were fired. We need to know that if so. I’d like further explanation from President Trump. Regardless, the 30 day detailed notice of removal that the law demands was not provided to Congress,” he said in a statement to Government Executive.Notice that this is Sen. Chuck Grassley, a Republican, pointing out that what Trump did violated the law.
Further, even while he was trying to defend Trump's actions on Meet the Press, Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham admitted that "'technically, yeah,' Trump had violated the Inspector General Act."
Only eight days before Trump's actions, Sen. Joni Ernst, a Republican from Iowa, launched the bipartisan Inspector General Caucus. One would certainly hope that Sen. Ernst would do something about this.
Donald Trump has violated the law and the rights of Congress, even according to Republicans in Congress. Members of Congress need to do something about this, and not just let Trump lawlessly run roughshod over our system of checks and balances.
Please, us this form to sign and send a short letter to your U.S. Senators: Donald Trump has violated the Inspector General Act. Take action in response.