Stand with Fred Hahn - Send a Message to CUPE Now!
Labour for Palestine calls on the CUPE National Executive Board to reverse its call for CUPE Ontario President Fred Hahn’s resignation and urges them, and others within the labour movement, not to cave to zionist pressure.
Send an email directly to the members of CUPE's National Executive Board and tell them to protect union democracy and stand with members that act in solidarity with Palestine!
The call for Hahn’s resignation is a dangerous attack on every member of the labour movement and a distraction from the current genocide in Gaza that has claimed over 50,000 lives.Fred Hahn and CUPE Ontario have been steadfast supporters of Palestinian liberation, even before its 2006 adoption of the BDS position. For their solidarity, both the union and their president have been constantly attacked by Zionist detractors, corporate media and right-wing politicians.
In October 2023, Fred Hahn was democratically elected to the National Executive Board at the National Convention. Less than three months ago, Fred was re-elected CUPE Ontario President at the provincial convention by the majority of members. The National Executive Board is undermining the democratic process and will of rank and file membership by calling for this resignation.
Canadian labour unions have always played a strong role in global social movements. From refusing to be complicit in South African apartheid to refusing to fund and support the genocide in Gaza, labour has never been restrained by national borders. This attack on Fred Hahn represents an attack on the strength the labour movement has built in its principled stance for Palestinian liberation.
Now more than ever, we cannot allow our unions and union leaders to bow to outside interference. We know our collective strength is a threat to the Zionist regime and we must remain steadfast in response to Zionist attacks. The call for Fred Hahn’s resignation represents a dangerous precedent for labour leaders who dare to take a principled position and speak out against power. It is a threat to the integrity of union democracy everywhere.
Last October, racist supporters of Israel tried to force CUPE to make Fred Hahn resign. Thousands of people emailed CUPE leaders and prevented that from happening. We can do that again, but only if you act fast.
Send an email to CUPE now!