Kevan Thakrar must not be transferred to HMP Manchester!

Kevan Thakrar is a long-term prisoner having served 16 years, 14 of which have been in horrific solitary confinement in what is known as the Close Supervision Centre (CSC) that the UN described as torture. He is now facing an imminent transfer to HMP Manchester (also known as Strangeways). He was last located in the CSC (attached to the segregation unit) in HMP Manchester between June and December 2013.  

When he was there, he experienced huge amounts of racial abuse and violence from officers.

The prison system knows that if he is transferred to HMP Manchester, Kevan would be located alongside known racists and organised fascists in the CSC/ segregation, increasing the potential harm and threat of violence against Kevan. He would be unlocked from his cell by himself - so he would see no other people at all (aside from officers), and exist entirely alone.

Living conditions in the Segregation Unit at HMP Manchester are severely degrading and inhumane. In Kevan’s words, the unit “could accurately be described as a tomb, with no natural light or ventilation reaching its depths”.

We are asking you to take action to request that the prison authorities do not transfer him to HMP Manchester. We are asking HMP Manchester to reject the move of Kevan Thakrar. Kevan should be released from the CSC and segregation conditions altogether. Please take action now to prevent serious harm to Kevan, the worsening of his Post-Traumatic Stress and racial violence in the prison.