Stop Project Maple

The fossil fuel company, Enbridge, wants to expand its fracked gas infrastructure along the Algonquin Gas Transmission pipeline that runs through New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.

This plan would include building out compressor stations and an enlarged pipeline — wreaking havoc on our air and climate.

While it's early days for the proposal right now, once an application with federal regulators moves forward, Enbridge may also need permits from at least one state agency.

We urge Governor Lamont to protect the health and safety of all Connecticut residents by publicly opposing Project Maple and directing state agencies to prevent this project from being approved.

Sign this letter to urge Governor Lamont, the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, and CT state legislators to publicly oppose the Project Maple Fracked Gas Expansion and do everything in their power to ensure that this dirty pipeline expansion does not get approved.

*Your elected officials require the contact information below to receive your message.

Letter Campaign by
Sena Wazer
Storrs, United Kingdom