Support Green New Deal Virginia Coalition’s 2022 legislative priorities.

Black background with neon yellow lettering. No Climate? No Jobs? No Care? No Justice! Green New Deal Virginia

When the Cuyahoga River caught fire 52 years ago, it spurred the modern environmental movement and led to the creation of the EPA.  Last week, the Gulf was on fire, hundreds died in the Pacific Northwest heatwave, and right now, cities are being consumed by flames.  There has been a lot of talk about Green New Deal. It is not an environmental plan. It is an intersectional plan with the intentionality of lifting up people. We can address both the climate crisis and the inequality crisis with the same set of policies. As the impacts of climate change mount, inequality will continue to grow. We have to shift away from extracting and burning fossil fuels and towards a lower carbon economy.

Although 2022’s language is still being finalized, we need your help NOW to cultivate support by talking to your legislators about Green New Deal Virginia Coaltion's legislative priorities.

Send a letter to your state representatives asking them to support Green New Deal Virginia Coalition legislation in 2022. You can use our sample letter, or personalize it by copying and pasting individual talking points provided below.

  1. After sending your letter, consider scheduling a meeting with your state representatives and let our Outreach and Education and Defossilization Energy Efficiency Renewables Working Group leaders know. We are here to help. Natalie Pien at and Stacy Lovelace at Don’t know who your representatives are, find out here,!

  2. Once your meeting is scheduled, invite your friends, your organization’s members, and/or DEER’s Working Group leader, Stacy, so she can see if any member from DEER can join you!

  3. Prepare for your meeting with the talking points below and don’t forget to share your personal story about why Green New Deal Virginia Coalition legislation matters to you!

Thank you for your support!