Take Action in Support of a Local Option Real Estate Transfer Fee

Massachusetts has a housing crisis. It's true all across the commonwealth, and it registers as a top priority in every poll.

We know that in order to address our housing crisis, we need every tool in the toolbox. Unfortunately, because of heavy lobbying from the real estate industry, one of those vital tools is under attack: the real estate transfer fee local option.

Under Gov. Healey’s housing bill, a community could choose to impose a small fee on high-end real estate purchases to build and preserve affordable homes if this tool is important to them in preserving their community.

Cities and towns across MA have shown that they want to do this. And it's not hard to see why. In Nantucket, for example, you need to be earning 7x the area median income to afford the median value home. That’s why voters, including local realtors, support the transfer fee for housing.

The House recently released its own housing bill, and unfortunately, it leaves out this key tool. Can you write to your state rep today in support of Amendment #165 to add it back to the bill and make sure it's flexible enough for all communities across the Commonwealth?

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