Tell Congress: Stand Up for the People of Sudan

Tell your Members of Congress to support the people of Sudan.

On April 15, 2023, fighting broke out between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) plunging the nation into a nearly unimaginable crisis. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum identified the country as sitting on the precipice of a full genocide. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has made a formal determination that both sides are committing crimes against humanity.

Senators Benjamin Cardin (D-MD) and James Risch (R-ID) and Representatives Michael McCaul (R, TX-10) and Gregory Meeks (D, NY-5) have introduced companion resolutions to help end the violence in Sudan in the Senate (S.Con.Res.24) and the House (H.Res.982).

“Despite the global focus on crises in Europe and the Middle East, the dire situation in Sudan – characterized by extreme suffering, widespread destruction, and horrendous crimes – must not be overlooked. This bipartisan and bicameral resolution clearly states that the United States, alongside our allies and partners, must take strong action to end the conflict in Sudan. This includes helping the Sudanese people reclaim their country, delivering vital humanitarian aid, and preventing a full-scale genocide in Darfur,” said Senator James Risch.

“The world must act urgently to save lives and end the conflict in Sudan,” said Senator Ben Cardin. “It is imperative that the United States join with partners and allies to put in place a mechanism to protect civilians from further atrocities and press all sides to lay down their arms. The Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) do not represent the people of Sudan. They have shown through their brutality and disregard for the democratic aspirations of the Sudanese people that they cannot lead the country. Those who have committed crimes must be held to account. We must continue to work with the Sudanese people in support of their aspirations to establish a democratic government in Sudan.”

Today, please ask your U.S. Members of Congress to support and co-sponsor S.Con.Res.24 and H.Res.982.

For More Information:

Click here for the latest status, language, and list of co-sponsors of S.Con.Res.24

Click here for the latest status, language, and list of co-sponsors of H.Res.982

"Special Report on Sudan: Genocide and Humanitarian Crisis in Sudan," Genocide Watch, June 2024

"Country Case Study: Sudan," U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum

"The Dead Became Uncountable. Mass Atrocities in Sudan." U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, January 2024

Darfur Women Action Group

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