Tell PURA to Reverse Their Cost Recovery Period Decision
Republicans and utility companies are spreading lies about the cause of your skyrocketing energy bills - and throwing clean energy under the bus.
Here are the facts: In 2017, lawmakers caved to pressure from Dominion and voted to give it a sweetheart deal on power generated by the Millstone nuclear plant. And more recently, two PURA commissioners voted to recoup associated costs in just 10 months instead of three years.
We need your voice. Tell PURA Commissioners Betkoski and Caron to reverse their decision and spread the cost recovery period over a more reasonable timeline—so we all have a fair chance.
We need to support PURA Chair Marissa Gillett, whose dissenting vote asked that these costs be spread out over three years. Let Commissioners Betkoski and Caron know we are sick and tired of energy corporations driving up our costs.