Tell Your State Senator to Support Youth Experiencing Homelessness in the FY24 Budget

Budget season is in full swing, and with it comes new opportunities to fight for necessary funding and overdue policy change.
The Massachusetts Senate Committee on Ways and Means released its FY24 budget proposal on May 9. In response, Senator Kennedy has filed two key amendments to support youth experiencing homelessness across the Commonwealth.
Amendment #555 would increase funding for housing and supportive services for unaccompanied youth experiencing homelessness (line item 4000-0007) from $11 million to $12 million. This increased investment is vital to match the scale of need across the state and help create a sustained and effective response to end youth homelessness.
Amendment #851 would ease the process for unaccompanied youth experiencing homelessness to obtain state identification, an initiative that has previously seen widespread support in the legislature. Young people need state ID to apply for jobs, access public services, open a bank account, and accomplish a host of other important life tasks, and the lack of ID remains a major barrier in the lives of our most vulnerable youth.
When young people experience homelessness, they are at a greater risk of poor health outcomes, exposure to violence, susceptibility to exploitation, and dropping out of school. Together, these amendments will assist youth experiencing homelessness on their journey towards safety, stability, and self-sufficiency.
We’ve already started a message for you – click “Start Writing” above to add your own details and urge your State Senator to co-sponsor and actively support Senate budget amendments #555 and #851. If your Senator is already supporting both amendments, please thank them for their support!