Thank Environment Committee Members for holding Insurers accountable!
Say "thank you!" to Environment Committee members who voted YES on S.B.11!
For the last 4 years, CCAG has been working hard to hold insurance companies accountable for propping up fossil fuel projects and fueling the climate crisis.
This past Friday the Connecticut General Assembly’s Environment Committee just voted a groundbreaking policy out of committee.
The committee voted to approve the Governor's Climate Resiliency bill (SB11) with an amendment that advances a climate resiliency fund to support communities in Connecticut harmed by extreme weather disasters fueled by climate chaos.
The measure instructs the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection to propose by the end of the year how the new fund would be financed with a surcharge on insurers’ policies offered to fossil fuel projects.
This piece of legislation would take a crucial step in highlighting insurers' role in the climate crisis, and hold them accountable for the devastation their underwriting policies have caused.
Using this form, you can send a thank you note to the Environment Committee Members who voted YES on S.B.11.
Thanks to them, the bill is headed to the Senate floor, and we have a real chance at holding insurers accountable. Here is the full vote tally list:
We have until May 8th to get this passed through both chambers, so stay tuned for more actions!