Time to stop recognizing Guaidó, leave Lima group, end sanctions and normalize relations with Venezuela

January 23 is the third anniversary since Juan Guaidó declared himself president of Venezuela, with Canadian support.
To mark the date CFPI released a public letter letter signed by two sitting MPs, four former MPs as well as David Suzuki and Rock legend Roger Waters. Initiating signatories of "Trudeau’s Venezuela policy has failed. It’s time to reset relations" also include authors Linda McQuaig, John Pilger, Tariq Ali, Vijay Prashad, Chris Hedges as well as Québec solidaire MNA Andrés Fontecilla, poet El Jones and feminist Judy Rebick.
Read the letter and support the initiative by emailing foreign minister Mélanie Joly to call for Canada to “remove its sanctions, lay the Lima Group to rest and stop recognizing Juan Guaidó.”
This action is sponsored by the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute