We call on the Michigan Democratic Party to release the full raw voting data, including geolocation data

Michigan voters deserve fair elections. At last weekend’s MDP Convention in Lansing on 8/24, there were many alarming issues in the process, including:
More delegates voted than were registered to vote (1422 vs 1248).
There were inaccurate district assignments to many voters.
The MDP conducted the vote tally manually, taking several hours to do so, which leaves room for concern about what might have been manipulated, added, or removed. Additionally, no one from the campaign was allowed to observe the tabulation process, which is crucial for ensuring election integrity.
The MDP’s continued refusal to accept a contested vote and their denial of an expedited appeal request is unorthodox and antithetical to the principles of transparency and accountability.
The public deserves to see the raw data so we can understand the election outcome for ourselves. We call on the Michigan Democratic Party to release the full raw voting data, including geolocation data, so everyone can be assured of the legitimacy of the vote results
Election security matters!