Yale: Drop the charges. Divest from weapons.

On Monday, April 22nd at 6:40 AM, Yale and New Haven police arrested students, graduate workers, staff, and New Haveners on charges of criminal trespass in the first degree—all for peacefully protesting Yale's investments in weapons manufacturers and demanding disclosure and divestment. Peter Salovey lied publicly about the number of arrests—initially claiming 60 were arrested—to give credence to a false "outside agitator" narrative, further pushed by Yale College Dean Pericles Lewis and now advanced by university leaders around the country. In reality, 46 students and one Yale staff member were arrested, out of the 49 total. Again, on May 1, four more community members, including two students, were violently arrested by Yale police, including Chief Anthony Campbell, while trying to disperse from a protest.

By escalating violence against students exercising their right to protest, this university only stands to further create an unsafe environment for students at the expense of their quality of life and education, all while continuing to prioritize profits over people.

Tell Yale's leaders: drop the charges against your students and community members, and divest from weapons and genocide now.

Letter Campaign by
New Haven, Connecticut