YOUR ACTION NEEDED TODAY: Tell your councilors to vote WEDNESDAY for an Elected School Committee!
Boston residents deserve the same voting rights as citizens in every other city and town in Massachusetts, and we showed it when a whopping 78% of us voted in favor of an elected school committee in November 2021.
Our City Council is poised to take a historic step toward righting this 30-year voting rights wrong THIS WEDNESDAY—that’s why they need to hear from you TODAY!
After more than a year of hearings and working sessions to hammer out the structure of an elected Boston school committee, two home rule petitions are now going to the City Council for a vote at this Wednesday’s (February 15) meeting. The first home rule petition provides for a fully elected school committee made up of nine district and four at-large members, phased in over two election cycles. The second home rule petition would amend the committee structure to allow for two elected student members on the school committee, with full voting rights and responsibilities.
Your councilors need to know that you want an elected Boston School Committee and that you expect them to vote for this important change!
Please take a minute to send a message to the city council by using this tool to send them an email in support of an elected Boston School Committee. And once you’ve emailed, you can also call them! Find your councilors’ numbers at (click on their photo to see their direct phone number).
Together we can raise our voices to a level that decision makers can't ignore! Please circulate this letter campaign widely and follow us on Twitter and Facebook @ElectTheBSC for updates.
In solidarity,
Bostonians for an Elected School Committee