Bar Donald Trump from Running for President in Virginia

Virginia Board of Elections

A federal grand jury has indicted Trump for his attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election. This is an essential step toward holding him accountable for inciting a deadly, white supremacist-led insurrection on January 6, 2021 and attempting to overthrow the government to remain in power.

Section three of the Fourteenth Amendment, the “insurrection clause,” makes clear that anyone who engaged in attempting to violently overthrow the US government after swearing an oath to protect it is barred from being given that responsibility again.  That includes Donald Trump. As a result, he does not meet the qualifications to become president again.

Election officials in every state must respect the Constitution and reject Trump from their ballots. Please sign the petition to join the fight to disqualify Trump from holding public office. If you represent a group, please sign on and we will list you here with:

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To: Virginia Board of Elections
From: [Your Name]

Under Section 3 (Insurrection Clause) of the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution, Donald Trump is disqualified from holding office because of his attacks on the 2020 election and incitement of the January 6th insurrection.

We the undersigned, registered voters of Virginia demand that the Virginia Board of Elections bars Donald Trump from running for President in the state of Virginia. If our demand is not met then we will sue the state of Virginia.