IT'S NOT TOO LATE, JOE: Cancel the Debt, Ditch the App, Extend the Pause, and Cut the MOHELA Contract

President Joe Biden

More than month after Biden's announcement, we still haven't had our student debt cancelled. Biden could have automatically cancelled our debts on Day 1, but instead he's chosen to make everyone fill out an application to receive the paltry $10-20K of cancellation. But, to date, the application still doesn't exist. No one's debts have been cancelled.

Meanwhile, rightwing lawsuits are being filed in droves, potentially thwarting cancellation for all of us. By not automatically administering cancellation, Biden is giving Republicans and loan servicers the edge. His delay might blow the chances of our debts getting cancelled at all.

It's not too late to do it right, Biden. Given the pending threats to mass debt cancellation, we call on you to use your executive power to:

  • Immediately and Automatically Cancel Our Debts;
  • Ditch the Application;
  • Extend the Payment Pause;
  • #CutTheContract with MOHELA, the private loan servicing company at the center of a lawsuit to cancel student debt cancellation.
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To: President Joe Biden
From: [Your Name]

President Biden,

It's less than a month away from midterm elections, and we still haven't had our student debt cancelled.

It's not too late to do it right, Joe. That's we're asking you to:

** Immediately and Automatically Cancel the Debt
** Ditch the Application
** Extend the Payment Pause
** Cut the Contract with the Loan Servicer MOHELA.

We can't pay our student loans -- and we won't pay them.