Clean up Marinwood Plaza Now!
California State Regional Water Quality Control Board
The former Prosperity Cleaners site at 187 Marinwood Avenue San Rafael, CA is a toxic waste hotspot that has been festering since 1990 or earlier. We demand the immediate clean up of the toxic hotspot inside the cleaners and further testing to include neighboring residential areas and the Silveira Ranch.
We demand an immediate clean up of this hazardous waste. Hundreds of people including pregnant women and small children are at risk.
For more information on the Properity Cleaner site HERE
What Every Homeowner should know about Vapor Intrusion HERE
California State Regional Water Quality Control Board
[Your Name]
The former Prosperity Cleaners site at 187 Marinwood Avenue San Rafael, CA is a toxic waste hotspot that has been festering since 1990 or earlier. We demand the immediate clean up of the toxic hotspot inside the cleaners and further testing to include neighboring residential areas and the Silveira Ranch. The latest leak was made public in 2007 and despite many enforcement orders, virtually all clean up of soil contamination has stopped.
Latest soil vapor tests above the hotspot is 300 times the Maximum Allowable Limit. Toxic soil vapor is most likely to follow the path of water and sewer lines along the loose fill soil into neighboring residential areas. A known cancer cluster is a few hundred yards away from the toxic hot spot. All of the compounds discovered on site are known cancer causing chemicals.
The source of the contamination must be re mediated immediately to protect the health of the neighbors and the environment. Further testing is needed to identify the complete extant of the toxic plume for clean up.
We beseech you as scientists, guardians of the earth and officers for the State of California to "do the right thing" and issue an immediate clean up order of the Prosperity Cleaner hotspot and continue further testing in sites closest to residential areas and on Silveira Ranch. Hundreds of residents including pregnant women and small children are at risk.
We cannot afford further delay. Our community and environment are depending on you.