We call on the Illinois State Board of Education to rescind their approval of a new HSA Belmont Charter School Northwest Side campus
Dr. Tony Sanders, IL State Superintendent of Education; Dr. Steven Isoye, Chair, IL State Board of Education; Dr. Donna S. Leak, Vice-Chair, IL State Board of Education

Tell the Illinois State Board of Education they must rescind their approval of a new HSA Belmont Charter School Northwest Side Campus by signing the petition today!
A new Horizon Science Academy Belmont (HSA) charter school campus would siphon critically needed state public dollars from district public schools and have a damaging impact on underfunded Chicago Public Schools and communities. The IL State Board of Education should not overrule the locally-determined moratorium on charters and allow this new campus to move forward.
The very concerning history of the school's inception and operator, Concept Schools Inc., presents significant reasons for pause, including federal allegations of criminal activities, investigations of illegal political activity (international money laundering and fraud), a financial relationship with former IL House Speaker Madigan, and a history of union busting.
Additionally, district-run Concept Schools Inc. charter schools have not met academic, financial and operational standards, including how well they meet the needs of students in special education and students learning English.
The Chicago Board of Education denied the opening of HSA Belmont in 2012, citing concerns about student performance at a sister school. It was eventually approved through the now-abolished IL Charter Commission—which was put in place to override decisions at the local level, eroding the authority of those who best understood the standards of the district and the needs of the community. HSA Belmont is a private school authorized and operated by the state, but receives public dollars that would otherwise go to the local district (CPS).
In December 2022, a new state-run HSA Belmont charter campus and an enrollment cap increase of over 50% were approved by the Illinois State Board of Education. The Chicago Teachers Union contract with Chicago Public Schools includes a moratorium on charters. This ISBE action violates the spirit of the collective bargaining agreement. The state should not expand HSA Belmont Charter School.
Sign the petition to call on the Illinois State Board of Education to rescind their approval of a new HSA Belmont Charter School's Northwest Side Campus!
Full Statement of Opposition to the Horizon Science Academy Belmont Charter School Expansion endorsed by: 30th United, 33rd Ward Working Families, Activate Chicago Parents, Brighton Park Neighborhood Council, Chicago Teachers Union, Illinois Families for Public Schools, Northside Action for Justice, Raise Your Hand IL, United Neighbors of the 35th Ward, and United Northwest Side (as of April 30, 2023, updates to endorsements at the link)
Dr. Tony Sanders, IL State Superintendent of Education; Dr. Steven Isoye, Chair, IL State Board of Education; Dr. Donna S. Leak, Vice-Chair, IL State Board of Education
[Your Name]
A new Horizon Science Academy Belmont (HSA) charter school campus would siphon critically needed state public dollars from district public schools and have a damaging impact on underfunded Chicago Public Schools and communities. The IL State Board of Education should not overrule the locally-determined moratorium on charters and allow this new campus to move forward.
The very concerning history of the HSA Belmont Charter School's inception and operator, Concept Schools Inc., presents significant reasons for pause, including federal allegations of criminal activities, investigations of illegal political activity (international money laundering and fraud), a financial relationship with former IL House Speaker Madigan, and a history of union busting.
District-run Concept Schools Inc. charter schools have not met academic, financial and operational standards, including how well they meet the needs of students in special education and students learning English. State-authorized charter schools are not subject to the same standards as CPS-authorized charters, so we don’t know how they perform comparatively. Given that all HSA charter schools are operated by Concept Schools Inc., we must consider that HSA Belmont may also not be meeting district standards.
We strongly oppose a new HSA Belmont Charter School Northwest Side campus and call on the Illinois State Board of Education to rescind their approval.