Dartmouth: Divest from Arms Manufacturers

Dartmouth College Board of Trustees

Dartmouth Divest for Palestine tree logo with the words "Dartmouth Divest for Palestine" at the top.
Cover design by the Dartmouth Divest for Palestine design team

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Since Israel's most recent assault on Gaza began in October 2023, human rights organizations, such as B'Tselem and Amnesty International, have documented Israel's continued violations of international law and commission of war crimes in Gaza. In January 2024, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered Israel to implement "immediate and effective measures" to protect Palestinians in Gaza from the risk of genocide and to ensure adequate humanitarian assistance. However, Israel has failed to comply with this ruling and has deliberately worsened the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Dartmouth College's endowment, valued at $8.3 billion, includes investments in arms manufacturers that profit from Israel's occupation of Palestine. These firms produce the technology and weapons that Israel uses to oppress Palestinians and carry out ethnic cleansing.

We demand that Dartmouth immediately divest from companies which are directly involved in Israeli apartheid, genocide, and violations of international law.

To build the case for divestment, our proposal:

  • Addresses the criteria for divestment identified by the Advisory Committee on Investor Responsibility (ACIR), comparing current investments to the Board of Trustees’ Statement on Investment and Social Responsibility Issues (SISR).

  • Draws on past instances of divestment in Dartmouth's history as positive precedents for Dartmouth to fulfill its stated missions and values.

  • Recommends that Dartmouth divest from six specific companies—Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, RTX Corp, L3 Harris Technologies, BAE Systems, and Boeing—in which it currently holds investments.

Just as the tides shifted during the movement to divest from South African apartheid, the tides are shifting now. When we learn about the horrific events of our past, we often wonder what we'd do or how we'd respond when faced with similar atrocities—the answer is what we’re doing right now. The day is coming when investment in Israel’s violence against the Palestinian people will be widely deemed as unconscionable, and silence today is complicity.

Demonstrating broad support from students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community members is vital for this divestment proposal to move forward. We have seen the power of collective action when the College divested from South African apartheid in 1989, the Hydro-Quebec dam project in 1993, the Darfur genocide in western Sudan in 2005, and the fossil fuel industry in 2017. By signing this petition, you are helping us take a crucial step in aligning Dartmouth with its stated values. We understand that there are a range of perspectives on this matter. At the same time, we hope to have widespread agreement that Dartmouth should not depend on the profitability of companies that produce lethal weapons.

We, the undersigned, call on the College to divest from companies that are directly involved in enabling violations of international law, beginning with Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, RTX Corp, L3 Harris Technologies, BAE Systems, and Boeing.

Read the full proposal here.

To: Dartmouth College Board of Trustees
From: [Your Name]

We demand that Dartmouth immediately divest from companies that are directly involved in enabling violations of international law, beginning with Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, RTX Corp, L3 Harris Technologies, BAE Systems, and Boeing.

Read the full proposal at dartdivest4palestine.com.