COVID is Getting Worse! Amazon DSP Drivers Need Assigned Vans & Routes!

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos & DSP Management

Amazon delivery drivers have continued to work under conditions that are not beneficial to our safety or our productivity. With this petition, we are demanding that Amazon and its DSPs provide drivers with:

  1. A regularly assigned van. This will permit drivers to ensure, on a daily basis, that their vans are sanitized, clean, trash free — with no maintenance issues.
  2. A regularly assigned route based on seniority with the company. This will ensure that drivers can become familiar with their routes — a change that will improve productivity and safety.  
Sign this petition to let Amazon and its delivery partners know that we need these changes to make our jobs safer and more productive — so that we can more effectively deliver packages.

To: Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos & DSP Management
From: [Your Name]

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and collective DSP Management,

We, as Amazon delivery drivers, are expected to perform with speed and effectiveness in the middle of a pandemic, yet Amazon and its DSPs have done little to ensure that our vans and stations are sanitized, clean and safe.

We demand the following in order to make our jobs safer and more productive. These changes are in the best interests of both the company and drivers.

- Drivers should have the same van assigned to them on a regular basis for the following critical safety and health reasons:
...Drivers will know every day that their van is sanitized and clean;
...We should not have to clean up after other drivers who have left trash or
unsanitary conditions from the previous shift;
...We should not be blamed for mistakes and accidents made by others;
...We can better keep track of our van and the need for maintenance or repairs.

- Drivers should be assigned regular routes to enable drivers to become familiar with their routes. This will lead to a more effective operation and higher productivity.

- All stops should be clearly designed and counted on routes. Grouping stops together incorrectly lowers stop counts and inaccurately reflects the work we have completed.

- Route assignments should be based on seniority so that drivers who have longer tenure with the company have priority.

We demand an opportunity to discuss these operational changes with you or your designee as soon as possible.