Demand for Fact Finding

Superintendent Joe Torrez and the South Park Board of Education

The South Park Community has been loud and clear: we need financial transparency from our School Board and Superintendent. Our educators responded to this community feedback, and SPEA put forth a proposal aimed to get our students back to school as soon as possible - a Memorandum of Understanding that would bring in a third-party, neutral fact finder to review and form an unbiased opinion of the District’s finances. The district rejected the proposal for a neutral third party fact-finder, which would bring transparency to the Park County community, even if SPEA agreed to pay for it.

This is unacceptable. We want to know what the district is afraid of. Please tell Joe Torrez and the members of the Board of Education that if they really believe we don't have the resources to retain and attract the best educators to South Park Schools, they should prove it.

To: Superintendent Joe Torrez and the South Park Board of Education
From: [Your Name]

As a member of the South Park community and a taxpayer, I am calling on you to accept the SPEA proposal to bring in a third party fact finder to examine the district's finances and create a non-binding recommendation for a path forward. Agreeing to this proposal would bring our teachers back to their classrooms. Moreover, this would allow our community to move forward and heal, with a clear understanding of our district's financial situation with transparency and accountability for all parties.