Facebook is censoring activists while amplifying hate


Facebook says that it’s a forum for free speech. But over and over again it has been accused of censoring and suppressing posts. It blamed a “technical bug” for censoring Black Lives Matter activists. It admitted it made “a mistake” when it removed, en masse, legitimate news articles and posts from doctors about COVID-19. Almost everyone has a personal anecdote, or knows someone who has had their account flagged or posts algorithmically suppressed for no good reason.

Enough is enough. Facebook can’t claim to be a bastion of free expression while secretly deciding which voices to silence and which ones to amplify, based on whatever generates the most advertising dollars. Sign the petition to tell Facebook to come clean about its censorship practices. We need total transparency into Facebook’s moderation decisions and the way it algorithmically amplifies and suppresses posts.”

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To: Facebook
From: [Your Name]

Facebook, come clean about your censorship practices. We need total transparency into Facebook’s moderation decisions and the way it algorithmically amplifies and suppresses posts.