Get moving on the Sutherland-Cronulla Shared Path (SCATL)

All Councillors, Sutherland Shire Council

Sutherland Shire Councillors are about to decide whether or not to commit funding to the Sutherland-Cronulla Shared Path (SCATL). They should already be aware of the community support for this shared path project which has been in the planning stage for over 10 years, since the Cronulla rail line was being duplicated.

Sign this petition to tell Sutherland council that the need for a Sutherland-to-Cronulla Shared Path is urgent and should be considered a high priority project.

To: All Councillors, Sutherland Shire Council
From: [Your Name]

This letter is to urge you to GET MOVING on construction of the Sutherland to Cronulla Active Transport (SCATL), which many resident of Sutherland Shire agree is a project of very high priority. There are many key reasons why we would like Sutherland Council to insure that this long-awaited project is built…..soon!

With population density of the Shire rapidly increasing, including many high rise apartment complexes with inadequate parking, SCATL will be critical for providing a way for residents to get around without adding to traffic congestion. SCATL will provide this very real benefit at a fraction of the cost of upgrading roads or public transport.

There are far too many cars on the road contributing CO2 and other damaging gases such as carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides, as well as particulate matter (a leading cause of cardiovascular and respiratory disease) into the air we all breathe.

SCATL will improve the health of Shire residents by providing a safe and active alternative to get from place to place.

SCATL will allow children to safely travel to and from school and after school activities without parents needing to drive them.

SCATL will allow people to access commercial centres, such as Miranda, Caringbah and Sutherland for work, shopping and social activities without the use of a car or public transport.

In addition, SCATL will add to property values, tourism and increase patronage of local businesses.

Councillors should be aware that this petition reflects the sentiments of residents for over 10 years, evidenced by the collection of 3,000+ signatures collected in a few months in support of a cycling route being built when the Cronulla rail line was being duplicated.

I urge you to consider all of these reasons and give this project your full support.

Thank you,