Tell the U.S. Government: Take a Stronger Stance on the Global Plastics Treaty
U.S. Government Officials involved in UN Global Plastics Treaty Negotiations

We need swift and urgent action. Plastic pollution is a global problem in need of global solutions.
U.S. Government Officials involved in UN Global Plastics Treaty Negotiations
[Your Name]
It's time for the USG to lead by forging ambitious solutions.
Specifically, we urge the USG to do the following, as described in detail in the Letter to U.S. Government Officials involved in UN Global Plastics Treaty negotiations.
1. Support mandatory, ambitious, and enforceable control measures and obligations to ensure results and accountability.
2. Prioritize the reduction of plastic production, with a rapid phase out the most harmful plastics and additives.
3. Close trade loopholes.
4. Reduce plastic production by ceasing to permit new or expanded facilities and infrastructure.
5. Eliminate support for plastics feedstocks, precursors, materials, and products.
6. Demand freedom from corporate influence.
7. Ensure scientific integrity and reject false solutions.
8. Ensure solutions to plastic production, pollution, and waste management are environmentally just as well as environmentally sound.
9. Guarantee a just transition for waste workers.
10. Phase out intentionally added microplastics.
11. Make available production, collection, and reporting of data on plastics feedstocks, precursors and materials.
Add your name today to tell the USG to adopt a more ambitious stance in the UN Global Treaty negotiations.